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Why are people skeptics?

It takes no guts to be a skeptic. It takes guts to have courage. And that's why so many people are skeptics.


If you're familiar with Tony Robbins, you may have heard him say something along those lines. I have to say, I do agree with this.

Think about when you passionately bring up a new idea to a friend - maybe a business idea, a new perspective, or anything that would require a new way of thinking - do they immediately default to why that wouldn't work and dismiss it as a bad idea? Or do they get excited, ask questions, and dig deeper into it?

You see, anything that challenges the way we currently do things is by default uncomfortable (that is, until we learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable). As a result, because most people don't like to leave their comfort zone, they default to whatever keeps them in that zone. Unfortunately, that's often synonymous with being a skeptic.

They're really not interested in whether or not your new idea would work. What they're really saying is, "I'm too afraid to adopt that perspective or explore that idea because I don't want to fail. I don't want to waste time pursuing something that might not work. I don't want others to think I'm less than I am."

That's what we're really saying when we're skeptical.

There's a difference between healthy skepticism and plain old fear skepticism.

The next time someone introduces you to a new idea or perspective, why not learn about it? Why dismiss it right away, when it could in fact make your life better?

Are you so fearful of giving up your current situation in favor of a better one, because there's a chance it wouldn't work?

I understand this is what most people do. And it's human nature. But it's not spiritual nature. It's not what we're on this planet to do. We're here to learn, grow, and ultimately evolve by expanding our consciousness, our awareness, by experiencing new things.

In a way, our purpose here on planet Earth is to gather as many new experiences as we can while doing good for others.

And really, the only way to do this is by not being a skeptic every time someone introduces us to something new. Instead, we can decide to explore it further. To ask questions. To be curious. To think of reasons why it might be good.

I'm not suggesting we blindly accept whatever it is. Rather, all I'm saying is to intelligently ask questions and get to the truth, not to deny everything because it might expose your weakness.

What's your experience with skeptics? Are you one of them?

Live with substance!


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