My mission has been and will continue to be to empower every individual on Earth to look inward and focus on the things that truly matter as they search for happiness.
As I think about how I best carry out that mission, I stand before YOU, one of the first readers of Substance Over Style for whom I am very grateful, and humbly ask for your feedback and opinions of what you'd like to see in the coming weeks and months.
So far I've written every single day for nearly 100 days about something I'm passionate about - the idea that searching for happiness by chasing external things is never going to get us there, and the only way to find what we're really looking for is by going inward.
I'm thrilled to be talking about this with you, and my passion has only increased. It's such an important message and the more I write about it, the more I truly believe that every living soul on the planet needs to hear it.
So, as I look for better ways to deliver content to you, I'm asking for your feedback.
What have you enjoyed about this blog so far?
What have you not enjoyed?
Were there any posts that stood out to you?
Your attention means a lot to me, and I'm thankful you're part of the Substance Over Style community.
Live with substance!
Gabe Orlowitz